Diy Ultrasonic Listening Effectiveness Of Ultrasonic Cockcoach Repellents?
Effectiveness of ultrasonic cockcoach repellents? - diy ultrasonic listening
I just want to see how many of you have used ultrasonic cockroach repellent / mosquito protection and have been effective is here ... I think a purchase, but a little online research, and some said they would not be useful against cockroaches. I will not attempt hobby or a different idea of the house, because I have previously tried and never worked. I keep my house clean ... , which generally fly out the window. (I did the network fly in the window of my room Dun from there, but they do it from the windows of the living room or kitchen)
Please give me your opinion on the basis of experience with these ultrasonic repellents.
Just in case some dun know what is an ultrasonic repellent, repugnant that emits sound waves or not Audibit to the people, but acts as a disturbance, so that insects are not installed in your home.
Thanks in advance peeps!
I had a very serious problem with cockroaches in a while ... tried everything without success, "said my g boric acid. It is a powder that is suitable under the sink in your socket (just screw it and a few drops) under the stove, behind the refrigerator coils (because we know how they want a warm, dark). Make sure when you have small children or pets can not reach. What it does is it puts on them and try to return to the nest and get rid of it can dehydrate and die! Hope this helps .... was a last resort for me, and I wish I had known about this before spending hundreds of dollars.
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