Church Letters Transportation What Are The Letters To The Corrintians All About? Where Was The First "christian" Church?

What are the letters to the Corrintians all about? Where was the first "christian" church? - church letters transportation

Where is Corinth? Where was the first church? Why have everything the Romans? Why Every church has since spent most of the Epistle to the Corinthians?


scotty_8... said...

Christan Church was first established Christ with the apostles and prophets. Gentle and Paul came later.

Johnny Blaze said...

Corinth is a city in Greece, about thirty miles southwest of Athens.

The first church was in Jerusalem.

The Corinthian Christians were not trained very well. It was enough that even after St. Paul's two letters of warning to the Corinthians, their habits, St. Clement of Rome, it said change is necessary, two more to write.

2 Clement ...

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