Thick And Wide Penis My Boyfriend Has A Thick Penis.... Is There A Good Condom For Him To Use?

My boyfriend has a thick penis.... Is there a good condom for him to use? - thick and wide penis

His strength, but the average length. And reduces traffic consistent condom (from him) and he will always limp. Is there a condom that is a bit more into the background?


skylinef... said...

If I did not use condoms new today, there were "no pain", but "pressure" he feels. I knew that it was too tight and find the right person. There was a need for condoms / circle no longer in length. I have tried otherwise. I found that some are excellent, I use regularly. "Lubricated Trojan Naturalamb" are not as long as the magnum, but they have the tape. You can order online. If additional thickness X can probably see on this site.

One Sly Look said...

Oh, my God! Try to Troy. I think they have different sizes!

Country Boy said...

Magnum. They are two different sizes and then there's Magnum XL-XXL in format. It is not only for the length of the scale. They are a great help. Each flagship store are. You are in a black box with gold lettering.

jeanne g said...

Can work latex gloves.

Ms. Shell said...

Hey you .. Also my husband! We use Magnum, you look at Wal-Mart ... Good luck.

Ms. Shell said...

Hey you .. Also my husband! We use Magnum, you look at Wal-Mart ... Good luck.

Joachin Murrieta said...

Kimono brand (if you can find them) are the condom of choice in almost all the brothels in Nevada. BTW is a condom should not go too close to the penis BF Limp - on the contrary, should contribute to an erection .....

4stringt... said...

Sums it tries to do a good ....... lololol

4stringt... said...

Sums it tries to do a good ....... lololol

Lee said...

Another thing is too lame (not seasonally adjusted) condoms. I suspect that the origin of weak erections or premature ejaculation, or even fear. But you can learn more about condoms. Never heard of it.

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